Bailey's Daily!

This is Bailey's Daily Blog site to complain, compose, give utterance to, or just plain wax poetic. I am, if I may say, an adorable, sweet, TALENTED, 4 1/2 year old Beagle (that's 32 in people years who was rescued from Zell Miller's and Saxby Chambliss' South Georgia!). I love the Red Sox, my mom, gramdma's cooking, ice cream and playing in the dog park! I am learning how to email and blog with no opposable thumbs! IT'S BLOG-GONE FUN! WOOF!:)

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Please Help out Noah's Wish!

i am so sad today....

i have been watching all the hurricane katrina news and i see all the lost, misplaced and dead animals on the gulf coast. i am glad some of my fellow brethren have been saved and some were taken to shelter and higher ground, but, sadly, alot were left behind in the terror of the storm.

i want to can, too. there is a great organization i saw on the news the other day called Noah's Wish that saves and rescues animals during disasters. here is their website:

please visit it to see all they are doing to help out in the wake of katrina. volunteer, send money, stay informed. but most of all, note the important information on their website about being prepared for a storm and having a plan for your animals, in all situations. they have checklists, plans to follow and recommendations.

additionally, if you want to become a representative, you can go on-line and sign up. it's a great organization....i know i don't have to worry about where i am going to be in case of a disaster, but, not everyone has a plan..make sure you do..TODAY!

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