Bailey's Daily!

This is Bailey's Daily Blog site to complain, compose, give utterance to, or just plain wax poetic. I am, if I may say, an adorable, sweet, TALENTED, 4 1/2 year old Beagle (that's 32 in people years who was rescued from Zell Miller's and Saxby Chambliss' South Georgia!). I love the Red Sox, my mom, gramdma's cooking, ice cream and playing in the dog park! I am learning how to email and blog with no opposable thumbs! IT'S BLOG-GONE FUN! WOOF!:)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


...Lady with a Vacuum!

Oh No! She's at it again....It wasn't enough that on Monday morning mom got up and COMPLETELY cleaned, sterilized, aired out and "de-dogged" our home, NOW she has to get up THIS morning and do a touch up...

I mean, it's not like anyone is coming over for a visit or a DATE (ahem), but, she just has to have the place know, IN CASE...(right, wishful thinking!)

Anyhow, it is time for me to go to my hangout when she's in this mood...under the bed! I'll be back when the "feeling" passes and her OCD fit is over. Don't get me wrong..she's the first to admit she is like this, and I guess that has rubbed off on me. I have to have the cleanest condo on the block! (smells good too..)

Talk to you soon..I hear the vacuum revving up!

Just wanted to pop in and say, "Howdy Bailey." Now sit, roll over, beg... Wait, you're probably not that kind of dog.

I hope you can make a MeetUp soon. A long way to run from Burlington to Greensboro, I know.
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