This is Bailey's Daily Blog site to complain, compose, give utterance to, or just plain wax poetic.
I am, if I may say, an adorable, sweet, TALENTED, 4 1/2 year old Beagle (that's 32 in people years who was rescued from Zell Miller's and Saxby Chambliss' South Georgia!). I love the Red Sox, my mom, gramdma's cooking, ice cream and playing in the dog park!
I am learning how to email and blog with no opposable thumbs! IT'S BLOG-GONE FUN! WOOF!:)
Ok, ok, I no longer look like I have spent the last week in a back room of a Jamaican "yah man" weave shop. Plus, I am no longer scratching like a sailor with a weekend pass, BUT, there are some downsides to recovering from an allergy with the aid of medication.
1. Thirst - I can't drink alcohol while I am on this stuff, because if I did, I would look like an old Basset Hound after Thanksgiving weekend - wobbling and teetering and barely able to stand. Then, when I drink all this water, all I want to do is pee; well, you can only IMAGINE the problems that creates when you can't take yourself out every hour! Just don't turn on the faucets or take a shower!!!!!
2. The Charlie Brown Syndrome - I AM SO DEPRESSED! Fellas, you know the drill; romantic kibble, soft night lights from the hallway stairs, chasing each other around the house fighting for the 1 chew bone between the 2 of you (always good to work up a good sweat!), and you've got her already to move in for the kill and guess what????
SNOOPY HAS LEFT THE BUILDING! THE DOCTOR IS NOT IN! Little did I know that the allergy anti-inflammatory medicine was an anti-inflammatory IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD!
OK, so I have another date coming up soon and let's just say that it is one more day of the meds and, scratching or not, I am not taking my chances. This is a critical juncture and I don't want her thinking shrinkage is a way of life for me (yes, I am fixed, but I still like to order the items off the menu even if I can't always partake!)
And, if things don't work out with this little poochie and me, well, back to the Benadryl. You know, that Bassett Hound is looking cuter and cuter......